We\'re writing a web application in Flask + Jinja2 at work. The application has registered users which can access certain pages based on their roles. In order to achieve this o
I changed the security_requirements
decorator to look like this:
def security_requirements(logged_in=True,
def wrapper(f):
# Store the security attributes as a member of the function object
f.access_control = dict(logged_in=logged_in, roles=roles)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
access_result = _eval_access(logged_in, roles)
# Redirect the user to the appropriate page (Access denied / Login Required / Actual Page) based on the result
The only real difference from the previous version of this decorator is the line that stores the security attributes inside the function object. This line is useless from inside the decorator. However, now I can implement the following action to be called from the Jinja template:
{% if can_access(func) %}
- ...
{% endif %}
The can_access function is defined in the Flask application module. It receives a string which it must convert to a function object. It does that by calling app.view_functions
def can_access(func):
return auth.can_access(app.view_functions[func])
This function should be called directly from a Jinja template. So it needs to be added to Jinja's globals:
Finally, auth.can_access
def can_access(f):
if not hasattr(f, 'access_control'):
return True
# Use the access_control member set by the decorator
return _eval_access(**f.access_control) == AccessResult.ALLOWED
This solution means that the access control is defined in a single place - which is the function decorator.