I can find a list of activation functions in math but not in code. So i guess this would be the right place for such a list in code if there ever should be one. starting with th
I found this: Soft Exponential activation function
C# Convert:
public double SoftExponential(double x, double alpha = 0.0, double max_value = 0.0)
// """Soft Exponential activation function by Godfrey and Gashler
// See: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.01321.pdf
// α == 0: f(α, x) = x
// α > 0: f(α, x) = (exp(αx)-1) / α + α
// α< 0: f(α, x) = -ln(1 - α(x + α)) / α
// """
if (alpha == 0)
return x;
else if (alpha > 0)
return alpha + (Math.Exp(alpha * x) - 1.0) / alpha;
return -Math.Log(1 - alpha * (x + alpha)) / alpha;