First question: is there any way to get the name of a node\'s attributes?
First question: is there any way to get the name of a node's attributes?
This XPath expression (when node
is the context (current) node)):
produces the name of the first attribute (the ordering may be implementation - dependent)
and this XPath expression (when node
is the context (current) node)):
produces the name of the second attribute (the ordering may be implementation - dependent).
Second question: is there a way to get attributes and values as value pairs? The situation is the following:
I want to get all attributes where value>0 and this way: "attribute1=10".
This XPath expression (when the attribute named "attribute1
" is the context (current) node)):
concat(name(), '=', .)
produces the string:
and this XPath expression (when the node node
is the context (current) node)):
@*[. > 0]
selects all attributes of the context node, whose value is a number, greater than 0.
In XPath 2.0 one can combine them in a single XPath expression:
@*[number(.) > 0]/concat(name(.),'=',.)
to get (in this particular case) this result:
If you are using XPath 1.0, which is less powerful, you'll need to embed the XPath expression in a hosting language, such as XSLT. The following XSLT 1.0 thransformation :
when applied on this XML document:
Produces exactly the same result: