I would like to know how ot update the data of the dojo.dijit.tree component dynamically. At the moment I\'m creating the tree using dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore and dijit.tree.F
While going through these answers I've built my own method to update specific nodes once at a time and NOT need the refresh.
_refreshNodeMapping: function (newNodeData) {
if(!this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity]) return;
var nodeMapToRefresh = this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity][0].item;
var domNode = this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity][0].domNode;
//For every updated value, reset the old ones
for(var val in newNodeData)
nodeMapToRefresh[val] = newNodeData[val];
if(val == 'label')
domNode.innerHTML = newNodeData[val];