if possible to convert a data frame to an object of class \"dist\" is it possible to do just the opposite? convert class \"dist\" to data frame? for example
< dist(ha
d <- dist(head(us.cities[c("lat", "long")]))
## 1 2 3 4 5
## 2 20.160489
## 3 23.139853 40.874243
## 4 15.584303 9.865374 38.579820
## 5 27.880674 7.882037 48.707100 15.189882
## 6 26.331187 41.720457 6.900101 41.036931 49.328558
df <- melt(as.matrix(d), varnames = c("row", "col"))
df[df$row > df$col,]
## row col value
## 2 2 1 20.160489
## 3 3 1 23.139853
## 4 4 1 15.584303
## 5 5 1 27.880674
## 6 6 1 26.331187
## 9 3 2 40.874243
## 10 4 2 9.865374
## 11 5 2 7.882037
## 12 6 2 41.720457
## 16 4 3 38.579820
## 17 5 3 48.707100
## 18 6 3 6.900101
## 23 5 4 15.189882
## 24 6 4 41.036931
## 30 6 5 49.328558