i have a running Mongo DB Container called xyz from offical Mongo Image. i created the container with docker run -d -p 21707:21707 mongo
In this container i create
I wanted to make an image to test things around authentication and I has the same issue. I solved it this way:
FROM mongo
COPY setup.sh /
RUN chmod +x /setup.sh
RUN /setup.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/mongod"]
CMD ["--auth", "--dbpath=/containerdb"]
mkdir containerdb
mongod --auth --dbpath=/containerdb &
until mongo admin --eval 'db.createUser({"user":"root", "pwd":"password", "roles": [ "root" ] })'
echo 'Mongo not yet ready, waiting 1 sec until retry'
sleep 1
mongod --shutdown --dbpath=/containerdb
Bim! When you run this image you have a mongodb with authentication activated and a root user. The key is to workaround the VOLUME in the base Dockerfile by storing the data somewhere else.