I\'m trying to have 2 custom error pages in a stock sample ASP.NET MVC3 website.
Darin Dimitrov has a good SO answer here but it\'s not working for all my test condition
I specify customErrors in my web.config file as below;
I have a route in the Global.asax as below;
/// Error Pages
"Error", // Route name
"Error/{errorCode}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Page", action = "Error", errorCode= UrlParameter.Optional }
The corresponding ActionResult does the following, which returns the relevant custom error page.
public ActionResult Error(string errorCode)
var viewModel = new PageViewModel();
int code = 0;
int.TryParse(errorCode, out code);
switch (code)
case 403:
viewModel.HtmlTitleTag = GlobalFunctions.FormatTitleTag("403 Forbidden");
return View("403", viewModel);
case 404:
viewModel.HtmlTitleTag = GlobalFunctions.FormatTitleTag("404 Page Not Found");
return View("404", viewModel);
case 500:
viewModel.HtmlTitleTag = GlobalFunctions.FormatTitleTag("500 Internal Server Error");
return View("500", viewModel);
viewModel.HtmlTitleTag = GlobalFunctions.FormatTitleTag("Embarrassing Error");
return View("GeneralError", viewModel);
This allows me to have many different custom error pages. It's maybe not the best or most elegant solution, but it certainly works for me.