I have an R package which is easily sped up by using OpenMP. If your compiler supports it then you get the win, if it doesn\'t then the pragmas are ignored and you get one core.
Methinks you have the library option wrong, please try
## -- compiling for OpenMP
## -- linking for OpenMP
PKG_LIBS= -fopenmp -lgomp
In other words, -lgomp
gets you the OpenMP library linked. And I presume you know that this library is not part of the popular Rtools kit for Windows. On a modern Linux you should be fine.
In an unrelease testpackage I have here I also add the following to PKG_LIBS
, but that is mostly due to my use of Rcpp:
$(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()") \
Lastly, I think the autoconf business is not really needed unless you feel you need to test for OpenMP via configure.
Edit: SpacedMan is correct. Per the beginning of the libgomp-4.4 manual:
1 Enabling OpenMP
To activate the OpenMP extensions for C/C++ and Fortran, the compile-time flag `-fopenmp' must be specified. This enables the OpenMP directive [...] The flag also arranges for automatic linking of the OpenMP runtime library.
So I stand corrected. Seems that it doesn't hurt to manually add what would get added anyway, just for clarity...