I want to track the country of the visitors and then redirect them to appropriate subdomains of my site like what google does...
And upto what extent i can rely on the d
If you don't feel like coding it yourself, Evan has a cool script called Lambda GeoIP! Check it out here: http://www.lambdageoip.com
Lambda GeoIP is a fully self-hosted geo-targeting script that you can use on your website to determine the geographic location of your visitors. In addition to that, you can determine if a user is on a mobile device, a bot, or using a satellite connection.
You can also forward users to different pages based on their continent, country, region, or city.
All of the features can be used on your site with just 1 line of code in PHP.
Lambda GeoIP does not "phone home", load remote content, or communicate with any other server. It is secure and fully self hosted.