I am using Selenium RC with Junit framework. I am trying to upload a file using attachFile() method.
attachFile: (Information collected from selenium API http:/
I got solution for this, use selenium.focus method and the selenium.keyPressNative/keyReleaseNative methods.
You will need to give focus to the text box using:
selenium.focus("text box locator");
Then if your input file is C:\tools\File.txt you need to type the letters like so:
selenium.keyDownNative("16"); //SHIFT ON
selenium.keyPressNative("67"); // c shift makes it C
selenium.keyPressNative("59"); // ; Shift makes it : (you can't do colon directly)
selenium.keyUpNative("16"); // SHIFT OFF
selenium.keyPressNative("47"); // slash
selenium.keyPressNative("84"); // t
selenium.keyPressNative("79"); // o
selenium.keyPressNative("79"); // o
selenium.keyPressNative("76"); // l
selenium.keyPressNative("83"); // s
selenium.keyPressNative("47"); // slash
selenium.keyDownNative("16"); //SHIFT ON
selenium.keyPressNative("70"); // f shift makes it F
selenium.keyUpNative("16"); // SHIFT OFF
selenium.keyPressNative("73"); // i
selenium.keyPressNative("76"); // l
selenium.keyPressNative("69"); // e
selenium.keyPressNative("46"); // .
selenium.keyPressNative("84"); // t
selenium.keyPressNative("88"); // x
selenium.keyPressNative("84"); // t
selenium.keyPressNative("10"); // Enter
selenium.keyReleaseNative("10"); // Enter
I've ended the sequqnce with an 'Enter' character. Sometimes this doesn't work so you may need to click the button (if you know the element locator for it).