I am planning to make an application that has views with complex forms and logical validation on the client side. I plan to use AJAX for submits and have some visual appeal.
I would go with Rails 3.2 + Bootstrap + Backbone.js, the stack we use here.
As for documentation, both Rails's and Bootstrap's are top notch and you can find a lot of books about them. Backbone.js, despite its large user base, is more specialized, but you can still find a lot of good screencasts and e-books in the Net (I recommend the works of peepcode and thoughtbot).
Good luck with your app!
PS: Another good point of using Rails is the set of gems and addons you can use. Full text search? Sunspot. Audit and Versioning? PaperTrail. BDD? Cucumber. I suggest you checkout the Ruby Toolbox site.