I have a group of erlang nodes that are replicating their data through Mnesia\'s \"extra_db_nodes\"... I need to upgrade hardware and software so I have to detach some nodes as
I've certainly used this method to perform this (supporting the mnesia:del_table_copy/2 use). See removeNode/1 below:
-export([bootstrapNewNode/1, closedownNode/0,
finalBootstrap/0, removeNode/1]).
bootstrapNewNode(Node) ->
%% Make the given node part of the family and start the cloud on it
mnesia:change_config(extra_db_nodes, [Node]),
%% Now make the other node set things up
rpc:call(Node, tool_bootstrap, finalBootstrap, []).
removeNode(Node) ->
rpc:call(Node, tool_bootstrap, closedownNode, []),
mnesia:del_table_copy(schema, Node).
finalBootstrap() ->
%% Code removed to actually copy over my tables etc...
closedownNode() ->
application:stop(cloud), mnesia:stop().