I\'m digging new scala reflection api and can\'t figure out why the following snippet doesn\'t work as expected. Given hierarchy (tried to simplify as much as I can):
Just for fun:
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror=>cm,universe=>ru}
import ru._
object Test extends App {
type MyTag[A] = TypeTag[A]
//type MyTag[A] = ClassTag[A]
trait TF[A] {
implicit def t: MyTag[A]
def f[T <: A: MyTag]: PartialFunction[Any, A] = {
//case msg: T => msg // ok for ClassTag
case msg: T @unchecked if matching[T](msg) => msg
//case msg: T if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[A] => msg
def matching[T](a: Any)(implicit tt: TypeTag[T]) =
(cm reflect a).symbol.toType weak_<:< tt.tpe
case class TFilter[A: MyTag]() extends TF[A] {
def t = implicitly[MyTag[A]]
trait Foo { def x: Int }
case class Bar(x: Int) extends Foo
case class Baz(x: Int) extends Foo
val messages = Seq(1, Bar(0), "hello", Baz(1))
println(messages collect TFilter[Foo].f[Foo])
println(messages collect TFilter[Foo].f[Bar])