Is it possible to read data from Microsoft Sql Server (and oracle, mysql, etc.) into an rdd in a Spark application? Or do we need to create an in memory set and parallize that i
In Spark 1.4.0+ you can now use
That will give you a DataFrame instead of an RDD of Row objects.
The equivalent to the solution you posted above would be"jdbc:sqlserver://omnimirror;databaseName=moneycorp;integratedSecurity=true;", "TABLE_NAME", "id", 1, 100000, 1000, new java.util.Properties)
It should pick up the schema of the table, but if you'd like to force it, you can use the schema method after read schema here...).jdbc( of the things...)
Note that you won't get an RDD of SomeClass here (which is nicer in my view). Instead you'll get a DataFrame of the relevant fields.
More information can be found here: