You could start with two great books listed as reference [1] (Ableson F. et al., Unlocking Android, 2009. Manning Publications Co., ISBN 978-1-933988-67-2) and [4] (Conder S. and Darcey L., Android Wireless Application Development, 2009. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-0-321-62709-4) in my degree thesis. Both have an extensive walk-through of Android, which you as a developer should know. You'll get all you need from "Hello World" to deploy an actual application in the Android Market.
Android is the place to start, since you already know Java and C# and C++. You can even use native classes in Java written in C or C++ if you have some useful standard classes in your library. More on Natives you'll find in the reference book [9] (Silva V., Pro Android Games, 2009. Apress, ISBN 978-1-4302-2647-5).
The best of luck!