I\'m using cucumber + capybara for some web automation testing. I\'d love to be able to wire up my own tag (something like @all_browsers before the scenario) and have it run aga
I do it the way that 'watir' project recommends. I use require parallel_cucumber
in my Rakefile and then each Cucumber scenario gets its own parallel thread (up to 20 in this case):
task :run_cucumber do
# cannot format report as HTML because of parallel forking
threads = 20
@result = system "parallel_cucumber features -o \"--format junit --out #{ENV['OUT_DIR']} --format pretty --tag @sauce\" -n #{threads}"
@success &= @result
Then, the remaining part of your Cucumber project can be written as usual!! So simple! My full example here: https://github.com/djangofan/cuke-parallel-starter