Has anyone figured out a way to run the same cucumber scenario on multiple browsers/web drivers?

后端 未结 4 1053
死守一世寂寞 2021-02-04 13:01

I\'m using cucumber + capybara for some web automation testing. I\'d love to be able to wire up my own tag (something like @all_browsers before the scenario) and have it run aga

  •  栀梦
    栀梦 (楼主)
    2021-02-04 13:08

    So, I wound up rolling my own solution to this. Not sure if it was the best or most elegant approach, but I actually just wound up:

    1. Abstracting all common environment stuff into env.rb
    2. Using Cucumber profiles which would require a specific environment file (such as firefox.rb) that required env.rb and then set the default driver for Capybara to the appropriate driver.
    3. Wrote a big ol' thor class with tasks that bundle up a bunch of cucumber commands and call out to run the bad boy with the proper profile.
    4. Wrote an 'all_browsers' task which bundles up the commands, then calls out to each specific driver task, so I can now have one task that runs any set of scenarios I supply on all the supported drivers.

    Working like a charm and I think might have actually wound up better in the end than anything I was trying above, as within the Thor file I was able to add things like a benchmarking option, as well as whether or not to split the feature run up into multiple threads. Still curious if anyone else came up with a solution for this though.

    Here, the all_features file just does a glob of everything ending in .feature, because if I pulled in the entire features directory it would pull in everything beneath it, including all the profile files, etc, which isn't what I wanted since each profile file sets the default capybara driver to a different value. Once you specify -r as an option to cucumber, all autoloading of any file is halted.

    default: --format pretty
    chrome: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/chrome.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions
    firefox: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/firefox.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions
    celerity: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/celerity.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions

    firefox.rb (the 'profile' file):

    require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../env.rb"
    Capybara.configure do |config|
      config.default_driver = :selenium_firefox

    selenium_firefox.rb (where I register the driver, and set some tag capability which I've wound up not needing now, as the @selenium_firefox tag was part of my original attempt at this posted in the question):

    # Register a specific selenium driver for firefox
    Capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox do |app|
      Capybara::Driver::Selenium.new(app, :browser => :firefox)
    # Allows the use of a tag @selenium_firefox before a scenario to run it in selenium with firefox
    Before('@selenium_firefox') do
      Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_firefox


    require 'benchmark'
    class FeatureRunner < Thor
      APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../")
      # One place to keep all the common feature runner options, since every runner in here uses them.
      # Modify here, and all runners below will reflect the changes, as they all call this proc.
      feature_runner_options = lambda { 
        method_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :aliases => "-v"
        method_option :tags, :type => :string
        method_option :formatter, :type => :string
        method_option :other_cucumber_args, :type => :string
      desc "all_drivers_runner", "Run features in all available browsers"
      method_option :benchmark, :type => :boolean, :default => false
      method_option :threaded, :type => :boolean, :default => true
      feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above
      def all_drivers_runner
        if options[:threaded]
          feature_run = lambda { 
            thread_pool = []
            t = Thread.new do |n|
              invoke :firefox_runner
            thread_pool << t
            t = Thread.new do |n|
              invoke :chrome_runner
            thread_pool << t
            t = Thread.new do |n|
              invoke :celerity_runner
            thread_pool << t
            thread_pool.each {|th| th.join}
          feature_run = lambda { 
            invoke "feature_runner:firefox_runner", options
            invoke "feature_runner:chrome_runner", options
            invoke "feature_runner:celerity_runner", options
        if options[:benchmark]
          puts "Benchmarking feature run"
          measure = Benchmark.measure { feature_run.call }
          puts "Benchmark Results (in seconds):"
          puts "CPU Time: #{measure.utime}"
          puts "System CPU TIME: #{measure.stime}"
          puts "Elasped Real Time: #{measure.real}"
      desc "firefox_runner", "Run features on firefox"
      feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above
      def firefox_runner
        command = build_cucumber_command("firefox", options)
        run_command(command, options[:verbose])
      desc "chrome_runner", "Run features on chrome"
      feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above
      def chrome_runner
        command = build_cucumber_command("chrome", options)
        run_command(command, options[:verbose])
      desc "celerity_runner", "Run features on celerity"
      feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above
      def celerity_runner
        command = build_cucumber_command("celerity", options)
        run_command(command, options[:verbose])
      def build_cucumber_command(profile, options)
        command = "cd #{APP_ROOT} && ./bin/cucumber -p #{profile}"
        command += " --tags=#{options[:tags]}" if options[:tags]
        command += " --formatter=#{options[:formatter]}" if options[:formatter]
        command += " #{options[:other_cucumber_args]}" if options[:other_cucumber_args]
      def run_command(command, verbose)
        puts "Running: #{command}" if verbose
        output = `#{command}`
        puts output if verbose

    Where everything wound up, in relation to the root directory:

    | |____all_features.rb
    | |____google_search.feature
    | |____step_definitions
    | | |____google_steps.rb
    | | |____web_steps.rb
    | |____support
    | | |____custom_formatters
    | | | |____blah.rb
    | | |____env.rb
    | | |____paths.rb
    | | |____profiles
    | | | |____celerity.rb
    | | | |____chrome.rb
    | | | |____firefox.rb
    | | |____selenium_drivers
    | | | |____selenium_chrome.rb
    | | | |____selenium_firefox.rb
    | | | |____selenium_ie.rb
    | | | |____selenium_remote.rb
    | | |____selenium_drivers.rb
    | |____feature_runner.thor
    | |____server_task.rb  

    Output of thor -T

    thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner  # Run features in all available browsers
    thor feature_runner:celerity_runner     # Run features on celerity
    thor feature_runner:chrome_runner       # Run features on chrome
    thor feature_runner:firefox_runner      # Run features on firefox  

    Now I can run something like:
    thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner --benchmark
    This would run all features on all capybara drivers in a thread for each driver, benchmnarking the results.

    thor feature_runner:celerity_runner
    This would run all features only on celerity.

    But I can now also supply some other options to the thor command which get passed onto cucumber such as:
    --other_cucumber_args="--dry-run --guess --etc"

    What a feature file can now look like:

    Feature: Start up browser
      Scenario: Search Google
       Given I am on the home page
       When I fill in the search bar with "Capybara"
       And I press "Search"
       Then I should see "Capybara"

    Seems like a lot of setup, but now if I tag a feature with @all_browsers, I can build out a suite to test against all capybara drivers, in a multi-threaded environment, with one thor command:
    thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner --threaded --tags=@all_browsers

    Or build out a smoke test suite that runs in celerity:
    thor feature_runner:celerity_runner --tags=@smoke_test
