In developing search for a site I am building, I decided to go the cheap and quick way and use Microsoft Sql Server\'s Full Text Search engine instead of something more robust l
public class Highlighter
private class Packet
public string Sentence;
public double Density;
public int Offset;
public static string FindSnippet(string text, string query, int maxLength)
if (maxLength < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("maxLength");
var words = query.Split(' ').Where(w => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(w)).Select(word => word.ToLower()).ToLookup(s => s);
var sentences = text.Split('.');
var i = 0;
var packets = sentences.Select(sentence => new Packet
Sentence = sentence,
Density = ComputeDensity(words, sentence),
Offset = i++
}).OrderByDescending(packet => packet.Density);
var list = new SortedList();
int length = 0;
foreach (var packet in packets)
if (length >= maxLength || packet.Density == 0)
string sentence = packet.Sentence;
list.Add(packet.Offset, sentence.Substring(0, Math.Min(sentence.Length, maxLength - length)));
length += packet.Sentence.Length;
var sb = new List();
int previous = -1;
foreach (var item in list)
var offset = item.Key;
var sentence = item.Value;
if (previous != -1 && offset - previous != 1)
previous = offset;
sb.Add(Highlight(sentence, words));
return String.Join(".", sb);
private static string Highlight(string sentence, ILookup words)
var sb = new List();
var ff = true;
foreach (var word in sentence.Split(' '))
var token = word.ToLower();
if (ff && words.Contains(token))
ff = !ff;
if (!ff && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token) && !words.Contains(token))
ff = !ff;
if (!ff)
return String.Join(" ", sb);
private static double ComputeDensity(ILookup words, string sentence)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sentence) || words.Count == 0)
return 0;
int numerator = 0;
int denominator = 0;
foreach(var word in sentence.Split(' ').Select(w => w.ToLower()))
if (words.Contains(word))
if (denominator != 0)
return (double)numerator / denominator;
return 0;
highlight "Optic flow is defined as the change of structured light in the image, e.g. on the retina or the camera’s sensor, due to a relative motion between the eyeball or camera and the scene. Further definitions from the literature highlight different properties of optic flow" "optic flow"
[[HIGHLIGHT]] Optic flow [[ENDHIGHLIGHT]] is defined as the change of structured light in the image, e... Further definitions from the literature highlight diff erent properties of [[HIGHLIGHT]] optic flow [[ENDHIGHLIGHT]]