Hi I find that on postgres database, we can\'t configure default accent sensivity (on old mail exchanges).
Is there a way to have a _icontains also insensitive to specia
I managed to install unaccent from postgresql contrib, but this answer that patches django didn't work. load_backend on django.db.utils enforces that the backend name starts with django.db.backends.
The solution that worked for me was inserting this code in one of my modules:
from django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2.base import DatabaseOperations, DatabaseWrapper
def lookup_cast(self, lookup_type, internal_type=None):
if lookup_type in('icontains', 'istartswith'):
return "UPPER(unaccent(%s::text))"
return super(DatabaseOperations, self).lookup_cast(lookup_type, internal_type)
def patch_unaccent():
DatabaseOperations.lookup_cast = lookup_cast
DatabaseWrapper.operators['icontains'] = 'LIKE UPPER(unaccent(%s))'
DatabaseWrapper.operators['istartswith'] = 'LIKE UPPER(unaccent(%s))'
print 'Unaccent patch'
Now unaccent searches are working fine, even inside django admin! Thanks for your answer above!