I got a AsyncTask
that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground()
is never timed out. Anyone have a clue?
Update 29/06/2015 If you are using Xamarin.Android and want to check for connectivity, you can use a Nuget package that would give you this functionality on multiple platforms. Good candidates are here and here. [End of Update]
The Answers above are quite good, but they are all in Java, and almost all of them check for a connectivity. In my case, I needed to have connectivity with a specific type of connection and I am developing on Xamarin.Android. Moreover, I do not pass a reference to my activities Context in the Hardware layer, I use the Application Context. So here is my solution, in case somebody comes here with similar requirements. I have not done full testing though, will update the answer once I am done with my testing
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Net;
namespace Leopard.Mobile.Hal.Android
public class AndroidNetworkHelper
public static AndroidNetworkStatus GetWifiConnectivityStatus()
return GetConnectivityStatus(ConnectivityType.Wifi);
public static AndroidNetworkStatus GetMobileConnectivityStatus()
return GetConnectivityStatus(ConnectivityType.Mobile);
#region Implementation
private static AndroidNetworkStatus GetConnectivityStatus(ConnectivityType connectivityType)
var connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.ConnectivityService);
var wifiNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.GetNetworkInfo(connectivityType);
var result = GetNetworkStatus(wifiNetworkInfo);
return result;
private static AndroidNetworkStatus GetNetworkStatus(NetworkInfo wifiNetworkInfo)
var result = AndroidNetworkStatus.Unknown;
if (wifiNetworkInfo != null)
if (wifiNetworkInfo.IsAvailable && wifiNetworkInfo.IsConnected)
result = AndroidNetworkStatus.Connected;
result = AndroidNetworkStatus.Disconnected;
return result;
public enum AndroidNetworkStatus