I am writing a framework that will connect to many different data source types and return values from these sources. The easy ones are SQL, Access and Oracle. The tougher ones a
I've come up with the following solution which works:
enum dataType
System_Boolean = 0,
System_Int32 = 1,
System_Int64 = 2,
System_Double = 3,
System_DateTime = 4,
System_String = 5
private dataType ParseString(string str)
bool boolValue;
Int32 intValue;
Int64 bigintValue;
double doubleValue;
DateTime dateValue;
// Place checks higher in if-else statement to give higher priority to type.
if (bool.TryParse(str, out boolValue))
return dataType.System_Boolean;
else if (Int32.TryParse(str, out intValue))
return dataType.System_Int32;
else if (Int64.TryParse(str, out bigintValue))
return dataType.System_Int64;
else if (double.TryParse(str, out doubleValue))
return dataType.System_Double;
else if (DateTime.TryParse(str, out dateValue))
return dataType.System_DateTime;
else return dataType.System_String;
/// Gets the datatype for the Datacolumn column
/// Datacolumn to get datatype of
/// DataTable to get datatype from
/// ref value to return size for string type
public Type GetColumnType(DataColumn column, DataTable dt, ref int colSize)
Type T;
DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
//get smallest and largest values
string colName = column.ColumnName;
dv.RowFilter = "[" + colName + "] = MIN([" + colName + "])";
DataTable dtRange = dv.ToTable();
string strMinValue = dtRange.Rows[0][column.ColumnName].ToString();
int minValueLevel = (int)ParseString(strMinValue);
dv.RowFilter = "[" + colName + "] = MAX([" + colName + "])";
dtRange = dv.ToTable();
string strMaxValue = dtRange.Rows[0][column.ColumnName].ToString();
int maxValueLevel = (int)ParseString(strMaxValue);
colSize = strMaxValue.Length;
//get max typelevel of first n to 50 rows
int sampleSize = Math.Max(dt.Rows.Count, 50);
int maxLevel = Math.Max(minValueLevel, maxValueLevel);
for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++)
maxLevel = Math.Max((int)ParseString(dt.Rows[i][column].ToString()), maxLevel);
string enumCheck = ((dataType)maxLevel).ToString();
T = Type.GetType(enumCheck.Replace('_', '.'));
//if typelevel = int32 check for bit only data & cast to bool
if (maxLevel == 1 && Convert.ToInt32(strMinValue) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strMaxValue) == 1)
T = Type.GetType("System.Boolean");
if (maxLevel != 5) colSize = -1;
return T;