I\'m trying to apply the Sobel filter on an image to detect edges using scipy. I\'m using Python 3.2 (64 bit) and scipy 0.9.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit). Currently my code i
1) Use a higher precision. 2) You are only calculating the approximation of the derivative along the zero axis. The 2D Sobel operator is explained on Wikipedia. Try this code:
import numpy
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage
im = scipy.misc.imread('bike.jpg')
im = im.astype('int32')
dx = ndimage.sobel(im, 0) # horizontal derivative
dy = ndimage.sobel(im, 1) # vertical derivative
mag = numpy.hypot(dx, dy) # magnitude
mag *= 255.0 / numpy.max(mag) # normalize (Q&D)
scipy.misc.imsave('sobel.jpg', mag)