Recently I decided that it was worth getting a try on basic x86 assembly so that it would be easier to debug programs, etc, etc. So I started (about a week ago) learning x86 ass
Is it possible to work with x86 assembly on a x64 operating system? Will it run properly in the emulator?
Yes it is possible & it will run properly. Instruction Set Architecture is always backwards compatible.
Registers in x86-64:
For example:
Here you can see that rax
is the new 64 General Purpose register but you still can use eax
as it refers to lower 32 bits of rax
Or should I learn x64 assembly?
x86-32 architecture is subset of x86-64. Its like first you learnt x86 then go & find whats new in x86-64 assembly. Once you learn x86 asm. Then this will be a useful resource: