I have a \"main\" function that performs many small, independent tasks each once per time step. However, after each time step, I must wait for all of the tasks to complete befor
Rost's method essentially works, but the boost::make_shared can not compile as is. The following is a working version (in vs2012):
std::vector> pending_data;
typedef boost::packaged_task task_t;
boost::shared_ptr< boost::packaged_task > pt(new boost::packaged_task ([&,i](){...}));
boost::unique_future result = pt->get_future();
io_service.post(boost::bind(&task_t::operator(), pt));
boost::wait_for_all(pending_data.begin(), pending_data.end());
It will not compile if use argument in the packaged_task typedef. This thread pool by asio and future method only saved 8% time compared with each loop create new thread methods.