In the enhanced editor, the coloring might give you a hint. However, on the mainframe I don\'t believe there is anything, in the editor, that will help you.
I use
I write all of my code on my PC with SAS on my PC and the enhanced, color coded editor. I then use SAS/CONNECT to process it on the mainframe. If the datasets are on DASD, I use SAS/CONNECT and Enterprise Guide to directly run the code onthe mainframe (no JCL!) If there is a data tape involved and therefore must be a batch run, I use SAS/CONNECT and the SAS ftp engine to send the code to the mainframe batch queue. I use the SAS email engine to email me back my output and my log. I put and ODS sandwich aound my code to have the mainframe generate a WORD document for output. I use a PROC download to download the output to my server so I can open it in WORD.