I have a basic PHP app, where the user login is stored in the HTTP Session. The app has one main template, say index.html, that switch sub-view using ngView, like this
I would create a service like this:
app.factory('routeAuths', [ function() {
// any path that starts with /template1 will be restricted
var routeAuths = [{
path : '/template1.*',
access : 'restricted'
return {
get : function(path) {
//you can expand the matching algorithm for wildcards etc.
var routeAuth;
for ( var i = 0; i < routeAuths.length; i += 1) {
routeAuth = routeAuths[i];
var routeAuthRegex = new RegExp(routeAuth.path);
if (routeAuthRegex.test(path)) {
if (routeAuth.access === 'restricted') {
return {
access : 'restricted',
path : path
// you can also make the default 'restricted' and check only for 'allowed'
return {
access : 'allowed',
path : path
} ]);
And in the main/root controller listen for $locationChangeStart
app.controller('AppController', ['$scope', '$route', '$routeParams', '$location', 'routeAuths',
function(scope, route, routeParams, location, routeAuths) {
scope.route = route;
scope.routeParams = routeParams;
scope.location = location;
scope.routeAuth = {
scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, newVal, oldVal) {
var routeAuth = routeAuths.get(location.path());
if (routeAuth.access === 'restricted') {
if (scope.routeAuth.allowed) {
else {
//if the browser navigates with a direct url that is restricted
//redirect to a default
scope.routeAuth.restricted = routeAuth;
else {
scope.routeAuth.allowed = routeAuth;
scope.routeAuth.restricted = undefined;
In order to fully prevent html template access then it's best done on the server as well. Since if you serve the html from a static folder on server a user can access the file directly ex: root_url/templates/template1.html thus circumventing the angular checker.