What\'s the best/canonical way to define a function with optional named arguments? To make it concrete, let\'s create a function foo
with named arguments a>
I found the standard way to do it in the Mathematica documentation: http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/tutorial/SettingUpFunctionsWithOptionalArguments.html
Options[foo] = {a->1, b->2, c->3}; (* defaults *)
foo[OptionsPattern[]] := bar[OptionValue@a, OptionValue@b, OptionValue@c]
Typing "OptionValue" every time is a little cumbersome. For some reason you can't just make a global abbreviation like ov = OptionValue
but you can do this:
foo[OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{ov},
ov[x___] := OptionValue[x];
bar[ov@a, ov@b, ov@c]]
Or this:
With[{ov = OptionValue},
foo[OptionsPattern[]] := bar[ov@a, ov@b, ov@c]
Or this:
$PreRead = ReplaceAll[#, "ov" -> "OptionValue"] &;
foo[OptionsPattern[]] := bar[ov@a, ov@b, ov@c]