I\'m looking after some Obj-C sample code for a dynamic UIApplicationShortCutItem
Basically, I have three static UIApplicationShortcutItems
You can use the following code to add shortcutitem for you app dynamic:
UIApplicationShortcutIcon * photoIcon = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithTemplateImageName: @"selfie-100.png"]; // your customize icon
UIApplicationShortcutItem * photoItem = [[UIApplicationShortcutItem alloc]initWithType: @"selfie" localizedTitle: @"take selfie" localizedSubtitle: nil icon: photoIcon userInfo: nil];
UIApplicationShortcutItem * videoItem = [[UIApplicationShortcutItem alloc]initWithType: @"video" localizedTitle: @"take video" localizedSubtitle: nil icon: [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithType: UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCaptureVideo] userInfo: nil];
[UIApplication sharedApplication].shortcutItems = @[photoItem,videoItem];