I have a long string (sometimes over 1000 characters) that I want to convert to an array of boolean values. And it needs to do this many times, very quickly.
I would guess that this is as fast as possible:
let targ = Character("1")
let input: String = "001" // your real string goes here
let inputchars = Array(input.characters)
var output:[Bool] = Array.init(count: inputchars.count, repeatedValue: false)
inputchars.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
inputbuf in
output.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
outputbuf in
var ptr1 = inputbuf.baseAddress
var ptr2 = outputbuf.baseAddress
for _ in 0..
The reason is that, thanks to the use of buffer pointers, we are simply cycling through contiguous memory, just like the way you cycle through a C array by incrementing its pointer. Thus, once we get past the initial setup, this should be as fast as it would be in C.
EDIT In an actual test, the time difference between the OP's original method and this one is the difference between
which is a pretty dramatic speed-up. I hasten to add, however, that I have excluded the initial set-up from the timing test. This line:
let inputchars = Array(input.characters)
...is particularly expensive.