I have a need for unique reusable ids. The user can choose his own ids or he can ask for a free one. The API is basically
class IdManager {
int Allocat
Similar to skwllsp, I'd keep track of the ranges that have not been allocated, but my methods are slightly different. The base container would be a map, with the key being the upper bound of the range and the value being the lower bound.
m_map.insert(std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits::max(), 1);
int IdManager::AllocateId()
MyMap::iterator p = m_map.begin();
int id = p->second;
if (p->second > p->first)
return id;
void IdManager::FreeId(int id)
// I'll fill this in later
bool IdManager::MarkAsUsed(int id)
MyMap::iterator p = m_map.lower_bound(id);
// return false if the ID is already allocated
if (p == m_map.end() || id < p->second || id > p->first)))
return false;
// first thunderstorm of the season, I'll leave this for now before the power glitches
bool IdManager::IsUsed(int id)
MyMap::iterator p = m_map.lower_bound(id);
return (p != m_map.end() && id >= p->second && id <= p->first);