What is the ideal way to configure Tomcat to serve directly from my project\'s directory inside of my workspace? (related)
I want my static web resources
This depends on whether you object to taking some action, like hitting Publish, or if you object to the copy happening even if it's transparent. Static content like CSS, HTML or JavaScript should get automatically deployed (i.e. copied) when you save, assuming you have "Automatically publish when resources change" under "Publishing" selected in Tomcat's server configuration. You should refresh in your browser and see the changes, barring some browser caching.
If you truly want Tomcat to look directly at your project's static files, then run Tomcat with nothing deployed (unless you have Java classes to deploy in the same project) and edit the server.xml
file under Servers
> Apache Tomcat v7.0 at localhost-config
and add some Context
elements under Host
like this: