I would like to let users add custom markers on a map with a description for each marker. Any tips, links to any tutorials would be really useful.
i tried @Fran 's solution but it didnt work for me. so i adapted this example from openlayers so that i could accomplish 2 things:
place a marker by clicking on the openlayers map
MousePosition Control
MousePosition Control
Click on map and create marker
see how, even though we did NOT transform [lonlat],
it was nevertheless transformed
there is something that you need to be aware of regarding the TRANSFORM method for LonLat as used in this simple example: when you apply [ .transform(projection1, projection2) ] to any LonLat, ALL LonLat objects are transformed.
play around with the order of certain commands and you will see what i mean.
for draggable markers, this example has it all