I recently converted my application from using async tasks to rxjava. Now, my espresso tests no longer wait for my data calls to complete due to espresso not having an idling r
Wrote a little integration piece between RxJava Plugins and Espresso. Hope this helps someone else.
There is a much easier way to accomplish this task. Add the following rule to your tests
public class AsyncTaskSchedulerRule implements TestRule {
final Scheduler asyncTaskScheduler = Schedulers.from(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);
public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
RxJavaHooks.setOnIOScheduler(scheduler -> asyncTaskScheduler);
RxJavaHooks.setOnComputationScheduler(scheduler -> asyncTaskScheduler);
RxJavaHooks.setOnNewThreadScheduler(scheduler -> asyncTaskScheduler);
try {
} finally {