Is there a good IP Mask plugin for JQuery? I\'ve tried Masked Input Plugin but it doesn\'t IP Addresses with less than 12 digits. Then I\'ve tried meioMask and this doesn\'t wor
The working examples from the Masked Input Plugin -
Are less than 12 characters:
$("#phone").mask("(999) 999-9999");
They have working examples which are running perfectly?
What is exatly is your issue and can you post anymore in depth information?
$("#MyElementID").mask(""); //Does this not work?
Are you trying to counter for 1-3 digits in each field?
eg to be able to.
$("#MyElementID").mask(""); //this
$("#MyElementID").mask(""); //or this
$("#MyElementID").mask(""); //or this
If you be more descriptive you can get help..
If you are after that you can try something simpler by watermarking the input box rather than enforcing a mask, so you can vary the numbers that can be entered. See Jquery-Watermark -