I am having problems to create new activities in Android Studios 3.0.1 for Windows 10, the issue is that until yesterday everything worked, but now it throws errors when trying
It's a known bug: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-22349
Problem: Create new Activity in Android Studio from Gallery
Android Studio: Android Studio 3.0.1. (MacOS and Windows)
Recent Update: I had recently updated to the newest update of Kotlin plugin Version: 1.2.20-release-Studio3.0-1
Solution that worked for me: I turned off Kotlin plugin in Android Studio -> Plugins -> Kotlin and restarted Android Studio. The problem was gone.
On turning on Koltin plugin again the problem came back as well.
Update: The issue is resolved in the latest update v-1.2.21
- If you don't see it in Android Studio under plugins then download directly from the website: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6954-kotlin