In MVC, I can create a Model Validator which can take Dependencies. I normally use FluentValidation for this. This allows me to, for example, check on account registration tha
I have DI working with Fluent Validators in WebApi no problems. I've found that the validators get called a lot, and these sort of heavy logic validations have no place in a model validator. Model validators, in my opinion, are meant to be lightweight checking the shape of the data. Does Email
look like an email and has the caller provided FirstName
, LastName
and either Mobile
or HomePhone
Logic validation like Can this email be registered belongs in the service layer, not at a controller. My implementations also don't share an implicit data context since I think that's an anti-pattern.
I think the current NuGet package for this has an MVC3 dependency, so I ended up just looking at the source directly and creating my own NinjectFluentValidatorFactory
In App_Start/NinjectWebCommon.cs
we have the following.
/// Set up Fluent Validation for WebApi.
private static void FluentValidationSetup(IKernel kernel)
var ninjectValidatorFactory
= new NinjectFluentValidatorFactory(kernel);
// Configure MVC
provider => provider.ValidatorFactory = ninjectValidatorFactory);
// Configure WebApi
provider => provider.ValidatorFactory = ninjectValidatorFactory);
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.AddImplicitRequiredAttributeForValueTypes = false;
I believe the only other required packages for the above are: