I am researching a new ASP.Net project that we would like to host in a Windows Azure Web Role. One of the technical requirements of this project is to make use of the full pre-c
Okay, I was struggling with the same problem for couple of days, here is the step-by-step guide
(1) Publish your website project to a folder (for my case is "PrecompiledWeb\WebSite1", which resides in the sub folder of my azure project)
(2) Modify your service definition(.csdef), adding a webrole
(3) Run the following command(CSPack) at command prompt
cspack CloudService1\ServiceDefinition.csdef /role:WebRole4;WebRole4 /role:WorkerRole1;WorkerRole1\bin\Debug;WorkerRole1.dll /role:WebSite1;PrecompiledWeb\WebSite1 /out:CloudService1.cspkg /generateConfigurationFile:"ServiceConfig.cscfg"
(4) Basically you are almost done!
Good luck! ;)