I started using Rails 2 last April but stopped this June because I thought learning it when Rails 3 was released would be more practical since a lot of it was completely refacto
You can change rails to default to MySql when you generate a new application, but you have to edit a line in your rails installation. You'll have to make the change to every version, and every time you update the rails gem.
I use Ruby-Enterprise. So here's what I do:
In file (where 1.8 is the ruby version and 3.0.4 is the rails version):
Edit: In rails-3.1.0-rc1 the file is:
Search for this line:
class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "sqlite3",
Change "sqlite3" to "mysql".
class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "mysql",
So instead of doing:
rails new application_name -d mysql
I can just do (and the database.yml and Gemfiles are configured for the mysql2 gem):
rails new application_name
This assumes you have the correct mysql2 gem installed already. Also, I've only been doing this since Rails 3 came out. It's probably similar for previous versions. Again, every time you update Rails, you'll have to find and edit that file.