I\'m install the go with the go1.3.1.windows-amd64.msi, after installation GOROOT is default setting, I found the D:\\Programs\\Go\\bin in the PATH,then I create a GOPATH envi
must reference the folder where you installed GOGOPATH
must reference an empty folder which will be your workspace (src/pkg/bin for your projects)Add those two variables in your user environment variables.
A go get github.com/coreos/etcd
is created for you)%GOPATH%/pkg/windows_amd64
is created for you, windows_amd64
reflects your windows architecture)go install
, install it in %GOPATH%/bin
is also created for you)Note: with Go 1.8+ (Q2 2017), GOPATH
might be set for you by default to (on Windows) %USERPROFILE%/go
On Linux, it would be $HOME/go
: see issue 17262.
Update 2018, three years later: GOPATH
is becoming obsolete with Go 1.11 modules:
mkdir newProject
cd newProject
set GO111MODULE=on
go mod init myproject