I want to write a C function that will print 1 to N one per each line on the stdout where N is a int parameter to the function. The function should not use while, for, do-while
N is not fixed, so you can't unrole the loop. And C has no iterators as far as I know.
You should find something that mimics the loop.
Or thinking outside the box:
(for example N is limited to 1000, but it is easy to adapt)
int f(int N) {
if (N >= 900) f100(100);
if (N >= 800) f100(100);
if (N >= 700) f100(100);
f100(n % 100);
int f100(int N) {
if (N >= 90) f10(10);
if (N >= 80) f10(10);
if (N >= 70) f10(10);
f(n % 10);
int f10(int N) {
if (N >= 9) func();
if (N >= 8) func();
if (N >= 7) func();