I need to search a file on my disk modified after a given date using the command line.
For example:
dir /S /B WHERE modified date > 12/07/2013
I was after the size of the files changed and did not have PowerShell. I used the following, but the clue came from other posts:
http://www.scotiasystems.com/blog/it-hints-and-tips/quick-way-to-find-recently-changed-files-in-windows and Windows command for file size only
set Target=E:\userdata
rem Date format is M-D-YYYY
set date=12-13-2013
set Filelist=d:\temp\filelist.txt
set Sizelist=d:\temp\sizelist%date%.csv
echo Target is %Target%
echo Start date is %date%
echo file list is %Filelist%
echo Sizelist is %sizelist%
Xcopy %Target% /D:%date% /L /S > %Filelist%
echo FileSize (bytes), FileName > %sizelist%
For /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%j in (%Filelist%) do (
call :Size "%%j"
Goto :EOF
@echo off
echo %~z1, %1 >> %sizelist%