I have the following problem:
You are given N counters, initially set to 0, and you have two possible operations on them:
Here is the kotlin version, 100% on codility
fun solutionMissingInteger(N: Int, A: IntArray): IntArray {
val counters = IntArray(N)
var max = 0
var lastUpdate = 0
for (index in A.indices) {
val element = A[index]
if (element == N + 1) {
lastUpdate = max
} else {
val position = element - 1
if (counters[position] < lastUpdate) {
counters[position] = lastUpdate + 1
} else {
counters[position] = counters[position] +1
if (counters[position] > max) {
max = counters[position]
setAllCountersToMaxValue(lastUpdate, counters)
return counters
private fun setAllCountersToMaxValue(lastUpdate: Int, counters: IntArray) {
for (index in counters.indices) {
if (counters[index] < lastUpdate)
counters[index] = lastUpdate