Does anyone know of any tools to provide simple, fast queries of flat files using a SQL-like declarative query language? I\'d rather not pay the overhead of loading the file in
you can use sqlite. Here's an example using Python.
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/test.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""create table table1 (word varchar not null, number varchar not null)""")
except: pass
cursor.execute("insert into table1 values ('dog', '15')")
cursor.execute("insert into table1 values ('cat', '20')")
cursor.execute("insert into table1 values ('dog', '10')")
cursor.execute("select max(number) , word from table1 group by word")
print cursor.fetchall()
$ ./
[(u'20', u'cat'), (u'15', u'dog')]