I am just starting to write some documents with Sweave/R
and I like the \\sexpr{}
command that lets one tow write numbers directly within text.
I think this function should work:
sn <- function(x,digits)
if (x==0) return("0")
ord <- floor(log(abs(x),10))
x <- x / 10^ord
if (!missing(digits)) x <- format(x,digits=digits)
if (ord==0) return(as.character(x))
return(paste(x,"\\\\times 10^{",ord,"}",sep=""))
Some tests:
> sn(2000000)
[1] "2\\\\times 10^{6}"
> sn(0.001)
[1] "1\\\\times 10^{-3}"
> sn(0.00005)
[1] "5\\\\times 10^{-5}"
> sn(10.1203)
[1] "1.01203\\\\times 10^{1}"
> sn(-0.00013)
[1] "-1.3\\\\times 10^{-4}"
> sn(0)
[1] "0"
If you want the result in math mode you could enter $
signs in the paste()
Here is a Sweave example:
sn <- function(x,digits)
if (x==0) return("0")
ord <- floor(log(abs(x),10))
x <- x / 10^ord
if (!missing(digits)) x <- format(x,digits=digits)
if (ord==0) return(as.character(x))
return(paste(x,"\\\\times 10^{",ord,"}",sep=""))
Blablabla this is a pretty formatted number $\Sexpr{sn(0.00134,2)}$.