I understand and can easily implement BFS.
My question is, how can we make this BFS limited to a certain depth? Suppose, I just need to go 10 level deep.
This works. Assuming that visited flag is not there in Node. If isVisited is available, then there no need to tracker Map.
// k is depth, result should not contain initialNode.
public static Collection bfsWithK_Depth(Node initialNode, int k) {
if (initialNode == null || k <= 0) {
return new ArrayList<>();
Queue q = new LinkedList<>();
Map tracker = new HashMap(); // no need if there is visited flag.
Collection result = new ArrayList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) { // Q will be filled only with eligible nodes
--k ;
Node node = q.remove();
List neighbor = node.getNeighbor();
for (Node n : neighbor) {
if (tracker.get(n) == null && k > 0) {
if (tracker.get(n) == null) {
tracker.put(n, n);
result.add(n); // visit this node
return result;