I\'m a JavaScript developer and fairly new to creating a build process from scratch. I chose to use Grunt for my current project and have created a GruntFile that does about 90%
gives its own api for reading and writing files, i feel that better than other dependencies like fs
Edit/update json file using grunt with command grunt updatejson:key:value
after putting this task in your gruntjs file
grunt.registerTask('updatejson', function (key, value) {
var projectFile = "path/to/json/file";
if (!grunt.file.exists(projectFile)) {
grunt.log.error("file " + projectFile + " not found");
return true;//return false to abort the execution
var project = grunt.file.readJSON(projectFile);//get file as json object
project[key]= value;//edit the value of json object, you can also use projec.key if you know what you are updating
grunt.file.write(projectFile, JSON.stringify(project, null, 2));//serialize it back to file