I get a apache error when I try access to anything folder or file, it returns Http Not found
or Forbidden
I am trying restart and start apache
this error ocurs because apache server listen by deafult in port 80 so another service or program is using that port and apache canot start.
The solution is identify what program or service is using that port an then close, disable or unistall it.
to identify you can run netstat
sudo netstat -ltnp | grep ':80'
sudo lsof -i:80
in my case i have installed nginx and apache at the same time and both uses the port 80.
Temporary Solution: Stop or kill the service, program, etc.
Permanent Solution:
in my case I needed both so I decided to temporarily fix it by disabling the service with:
systemctl stop MyServiceName.service
If it is a service otherwise use kill command.