I want to integrate a payment gateway with oscar. I have integrated oscar-paypal it works fine. Should I follow oscar-paypal and try to emulate it ? This document doesn\'t giv
I think you can use payu which is also very easyily available and can be customized.
pip install git+https://github.com/SalahAdDin/django-oscar-payu#egg=payu
this would clone the payu application which has similar implementation as oscar-paypal. then edit the views.py in the nonseamless navigate to through the code and change the self.sessions.['currency']
to the currency which u want to use but the default currency it works with is INR. Then your payment_detail.html just replicate what you have as in paypal and change the paypal url to payu. Just switch paypal to payu. That is all.
credit to https://github.com/SalahAdDin/