I am using boto3 in aws lambda to fecth object in S3 located in Frankfurt Region.
v4 is necessary. otherwise following error will return
I tried the session approach, but I had issues. This method worked better for me, your mileage may vary:
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'))
You will need to import Config from botocore.client in order to make this work. See below for a functional method to test a bucket (list objects). This assumes you are running it from an environment where your authentication is managed, such as Amazon EC2 or Lambda with a IAM Role:
import boto3
from botocore.client import Config
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def test_bucket(bucket):
print 'testing bucket: ' + bucket
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'))
b = s3.Bucket(bucket)
objects = b.objects.all()
for obj in objects:
print obj.key
print 'bucket test SUCCESS'
except ClientError as e:
print 'Client Error'
print e
print 'bucket test FAIL'
To test it, simply call the method with a bucket name. Your role will have to grant proper permissions.