I know marker interface in java. It is used to define a specific behaviour about a class. For example, Serializable interface has the specific ability to store an object into by
and ObjectInputStream
will check your class whether or not it implementes Serializable
, Externalizable
. If yes it will continue or else will thrown NonSerializableException
Create an interface without any method and that is your marker interface.
public interface IMarkerEntity {
If any class which implement this interface will be taken as database entity by your application.
Sample Code:
public boolean save(Object object) throws InvalidEntityException {
if(!(object instanceof IMarkerEntity)) {
throw new InvalidEntityException("Invalid Entity Found, cannot proceed");
The whole idea of Marker Interface Pattern is to provide a mean to say "yes I am something" and then system will proceed with the default process, like when you mark your class as Serialzable it just tells that this class can be converted to bytes.